Bulk of the application is done as far as functionality goes. The front-end aesthetics are still in the works and we have a lot to change in that regard. Functionality has been the sole focus so far.
Key functions:
Users can deep link straight to each ticket type and bypass the intro screen.
Users have minimal fields to edit and the process is simple.
Anyone in the approval chain (managers, directors execs and CFO) are sent an email and a deep link to the item when it is their turn to approve/reject the item. They have minimal fields they need to interact with and many fields are determined by currently approval status and the dollar value of the item.
Post approval we push the item to the purchasing department. They have additional fields to manipulate and can continue the process by involving our BioMed team and clinical education team if needed. This is sort of the end of the process right now. We will likely expand their interactions (Right now its just an email alert) and create a page where they have clear tracking and notes asp art of their involvement.
We do not let anyone until purchasing is involved touch ticket status. It is updated based on the approval chain. The approval chain beyond immediate supervisor, item PO# and many other fields are hidden from users and often even managers to keep things simple for everyone involved. Only the purchasing team will have access to 100% of all fields and hopefully the form will be intuitive enough that they can figure it out with minimal guidance.
We split up the source into 2 forms so we can further hide fields from the user depending on the type of request. After setting this up I realize it would be easier to simply have 1 single form and then use the visibility property to hide fields under different conditions instead of creating 2 forms and then being forced to use a Patch function to combine and push all the updates at once to the data source. Strong learning point for future forms.
Project Page will be updated shortly.